Episode Three: Mysterious Shadow-Guyver III
Commander Guou arrives from Chronos headquarters to lead the recovery of the Guyver Units. Meanwhile, Chronos Japan creates the Zoanoid "Zerbebuth" in a final desperate attempt to eliminate the Guyver. To bait the trap for Sho, Mizuky is kidnapped and Sho once again must become the Guyver and face the challenge of Zerbebuth as well as the mysterious shadow, Guyver III.
Episode Four: Attack of the Hyper-Zoanoid Team Five
Commander Guou takes full control of Chronos Japan and deploys his Hyper-Zoanoids against Sho. Together with Tetsuro, Sho tries to expose Chronos but the media won't believe their story. In order to force out the Guyver, the Hyper-Zoanoids attack Sho's school.